Reasons to Continue Seeing a Sports Chiropractor as a Tournament Approaches


Chiropractic care is one of the many healthcare options that professional athletes turn to treat injuries and manage pain. Unfortunately, most athletes still believe that physical and massage therapists can perform the role of a sports chiropractor. It is no wonder that most physical and massage therapists experience an influx of clients as competitions draw close. There is no doubt that the professionals increase your chances of performing well, but seeing a sports chiropractor a few weeks before a major sporting event comes with unique benefits.

8 December 2021

Lesser-Known Benefits of Post-Birth Pediatric Chiropractic Adjustments


Many new moms worry that their babies' systems are too delicate to handle chiropractic massages. It is an understandable feeling because many new moms do not know much about pediatric chiropractic adjustments. Notably, chiropractic adjustments and massage during the first few weeks after birth give a newborn significant benefits. While you may know about some of the benefits, others could be new to you. This article highlights the lesser-known benefits of pediatric chiropractic massage.

2 June 2021