How to Avoid Back Pain During Military Training


Military training within the Australian Defence Force (ADF) can be challenging and difficult. Being in peak physical condition not only allows you to operate more effectively in a variety of different environments, it also helps you to better deal with stress and maintain your mental health and wellbeing. However, due to the nature of military activities such as long distance runs with heavy rucksacks, many people can suffer from back pain and joint pain, partially because of muscle imbalances, poorly packed rucksacks and inadequate stretching.

30 August 2016

Two Ways To Reduce Your Toddler Being A Pain In Your . . . Back!


Toddlers are funny creatures. One minute they are trying to assert their independence by insisting on doing everything themselves, and the next minute their arms are stretched upwards demanding to be carried. The toddler years can be very tough on a mum's back due to the extra bending and lifting of a heavy weight (your toddler). There are a number of ways, however, that you can keep the pain levels from soaring out of control.

6 April 2016

3 Ways To Treat Neck Pain Without Drugs


GPs typically offer painkillers and anti-inflammatory medication to treat the symptoms associated with neck pain such as stiffness, but medication tends to just mask the symptoms and comes with a range of unpleasant side effects. There are a number of alternative treatments that can release trapped nerves in your neck, loosen muscles, reduce inflammation, and improve circulation to the area. If you'd like to treat your neck pain without drugs, consider these three alternative treatments:

14 August 2015

Understanding Chiropractic Treatment for Neck Pain


Neck pain is a common complaint that can affect the range of movement in your head and your concentration levels, but GPs can usually only suggest you take painkillers and press on with your busy life. Painkillers simply mask the pain and don't treat the cause of your neck pain, so what's the alternative? Chiropractic treatment takes a natural approach to healing and has been shown to be effective at treating neck pain.

12 May 2015